About EQUVOEQUVO was incorporated 2009 in Singapore. It has offices in Singapore, Taiwan (Hsinchu) and Japan (Tokyo, Osaka). It also manages several special purpose vehicles (SPV) asset-holding entities on behalf of its investors and banks. EQUVO CONSULTING PARTNERS uses the EQUVO platform as contact center, back-office support and market research services. EQUVO provides financing, equipment management, services and consultancy to the semiconductor industry. Together with our German funding partner, we also provide long term financing for the aviation, clean energy and real estate segments. EQUVO CONSULTING PARTNERS (ECP) is an alliance of consultants, who are either semi-retired or running their individual consulting practices. It comprise many senior individuals from the semiconductor industry with expertise in areas of operations, wafer fabrication processes, semiconductor test/assembly/advanced packaging, R&D, finance, human resource, sales, procurement, photolithography equipment, wafer fabrication facilities, EHS, listed company board directorship, etc